
My Profile Picture

Hi there! 👋🏼

I am Süha Tanrıverdi,

a software engineer from Turkey 🇹🇷

🌱 Currently learning Full Stack web development

🏀 A former basketball player and a basketball coach

🎨 Love painting, UI/UX design, art and teaching


A2SV - Africa to Silicon Valley

Lead Head of Education

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia & Accra, Ghana

01/2021 - 04/2023

• Volunteered at A2SV, a non-profit that connects African students with top Silicon Valley companies. I orchestrated the successful expansion of educational efforts to the University of Ghana Legon, establishing strategic partnerships and increasing student enrollment to over 80 attendees in the first kickoff. We achieved a 70% success rate in 2022 Google interviews, conducted video calls with new hires to conduct technical and behavioral interviews, and managed all education efforts for more than 120 students as head of education. I gained considerable experience and mastered leadership, problem-solving, prioritizing, task management, soft skills, and time management skills while reporting directly to and working closely with the CEO. I also delivered lectures, prepared on data structures & algorithms and soft skills to over 100 students, and was honored as the best lecturer during our boot camps by over 200 students from Ethiopia's best universities.


Android Developer Part-Time Nvapps

London, UK, Remote

10/2021 - 03/2022

• Worked on an Android app used by millions, of 500K+ daily active users, fixed bugs, and implemented new features by using Android Studio, Java, Kotlin, Google Maps API, Retrofit, Activities, and XMLs.

Eskalate LLC

Junior Product Manager

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Remote

01/2020 - 06/2021

• Worked directly with Square Company's Head of Product Manager on the TrackSym, a non-commercial app dedicated to aiding Ethiopia during COVID-19, acquiring hands-on experience and mentorship in feature prioritization, requirements gathering, and UI/UX design using Flutter and AdobeXD.

Turkish Aerospace

Software Engineer Intern

Ankara, Turkey

06/2019 - 07/2019

• Developed and documented a PLM project utilizing Siemens Teamcenter (RCP) and created a Java desktop app actively used by hundreds of employees at Turkish Aerospace factories. Utilized Swing, C/C++, and Ilk Libraries, Java Apache Poi, and Java Teamcenter SOA Libraries.


B.S. in Computer Engineering

Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey

09/2016 - 07/2020

• Helped students in data structures and algorithms lectures as a student assistant in 2019 Spring.

• Founded and coordinated a cyber security social club, organized events/conferences, and invited industry professionals.


A comprehensive full-stack web application developed as part of Colt Steele's Udemy web development bootcamp, with a focus on secure user authentication, database management, and responsive UI design for campground reviews.

• Utilized HTML5, CSS3, Modern JS(ES6), MVC, Flexbox, Asynchronous JavaScript (Promises, async/await), Bootstrap 5, DOM Manipulation, Node.js, Express.js, NPM, EJS Templating, REST API, NoSQL, MongoDB, Schema Design, Mongoose, Authentication (Cookies & Sessions), Authorization, Security Best Practices, Deployment and Cloud Databases, Mongo Atlas, Render, Image Upload and Storage, Maps and Geocoding.

Rate-Eat Item-Specific Feedback App

Mobile Team Leader

08/2022 - 09/2022

• Led a 10-person team, delegating tasks and organizing daily meetings

• Developed a mobile app, focusing on the home page, for item-specific feedback

• Managed 50+ people to collect data from 35+ restaurants in Addis Ababa

• Motivated Product, UI/UX, and Backend teams proactively to create an initial product design

• Resolved team conflicts and conducted performance evaluations

• Directed a promotional film for the app

• Utilized Flutter, Dart, Android Studio, VS Code, Github, Trello, and Google Calendar

Small/Side Projects

JavaScript Calculator

Simple calculator written in pure JS

Kotlin Beginner Notes Tutorial

Kotlin notes for absolute beginner

Flutter News App

Simple mobile app that shows daily news

Path Finding Visualizer with Java

BFS and DFS algorithms visualizer

Cubex Game Project

A single-player, platform, and adventure mobile game

Crashed Game Project

Local car combat game

Random Maze Generator

Automated maze generation algorithm


If you would like to talk about anything with me, please do so:

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